Romans 8:38-39

Romans 8:38-39
King James Version

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

King James Version
New International Version

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

New International Version

God’s Love

Romans 8:38-39 contains one of the most powerful affirmations of the enduring and unbreakable nature of God’s love found anywhere in Scripture. These verses provide a firm foundation for the believer’s assurance that nothing can ever separate them from the vastness of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ.

The apostle Paul opens by stating “For I am convinced…” indicating his resolute confidence in this truth. Despite the trials, persecutions, and sufferings he faced, Paul was utterly persuaded that the love of God made manifest in Christ was impervious to any force or circumstance trying to drive a wedge between the believer and their Savior.

He then lists out a formidable series of circumstances, beings, and cosmic forces as examples that are incapable of separating the Christian from the love of God. “Neither death nor life…” expresses that whether facing the specter of death or the realities of this earthly life, the love of God remains intact.

“Neither angels nor demons…” shows that no spiritual being, whether exalted angel or fallen demon, has the power to interfere with or overcome God’s protective love for His children. His love cannot be swayed or overpowered by spiritual forces.

“Neither the present nor the future…” indicates that no matter what the current situation or future uncertainties may hold, the love of God transcends time itself, allowing no past, present, or future event to interrupt its constancy.

“Nor any powers…” encompasses all other possible forces, authorities, or influences, whether in this world or an unseen spiritual realm. Paul emphatically proclaims that there is no power anywhere that can sabotage the believer’s relationship to the love of God in Christ.

In verse 39, Paul elaborates even further. “Neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation…” This metaphorical language of height and depth expresses the transcendent, cosmic scope of God’s love. Whether experiences of great heights of joy or depths of sorrow and pain, nothing in the entirety of God’s created universe can undermine or negate this love.

The finality of this truth is capped off with the emphasis “will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This love is immovable, eternal, and perfectly embodied in the person of Jesus Christ Himself. It cannot be broken or stripped away from those united to Christ by faith.

These verses should instill in every believer an unshakable confidence that the love of God in Christ is permanent, persevering, and inseparable despite any forces of evil, difficult circumstances, or heartbreaking losses that may come. This safeguarding love spanning all creation is a pure expression of the Father’s unwavering commitment to His children bought by the sacrifice of His Son.

In life or death, past, present or future, in any height or depth, nothing can cut off or diminish this unfathomable demonstration of divine love through Jesus. It is a love that promises to never leave or forsake those who belong to God through faith in Christ. What a glorious, incomprehensible truth to cling to!

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