Philippians 1:6

Philippians 1:6
King James Version

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

King James Version
New International Version

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

New International Version

Spiritual Growth

In this verse, Paul expresses his firm confidence in God’s commitment to finish the good work He has started in the lives of believers in Philippi.

Paul is referring to salvation as the “good work” God began in them when they first put their faith in Christ. Even though their spiritual growth was still incomplete, Paul was convinced God would continue to perfect and sanctify them until the day of Christ’s return.

The fact that God “began” the work emphasizes that salvation starts with God drawing people to Himself. Their salvation was initiated by God alone through grace. Now that He has begun this work, God will also sustain and complete it. God finishes what He starts.

Paul looks ahead to the “day of Christ Jesus”, meaning when Christ returns or when believers go to be with Him in eternity. He affirms that God will still be faithfully working in believers’ lives to refine their character and make them more like Christ, preparing them for eternity with Him.

This verse offers great assurance and encouragement for believers. Their salvation does not depend on their own effort or perfection, but on God’s ongoing sanctifying work which will come to completion. God is committed to keep working in them until they fully reflect the likeness of His Son.

In summary, Philippians 1:6 highlights God’s promise to continually perfect those He has saved. From beginning to end, salvation is His work and under His control. Believers can be confident God will keep shaping them into the image of Christ until their final redemption.

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