From Uplifted to Unsettled: My Complex Experience with Christian TikTok

My Experience with Christian TikTok

I recently joined TikTok after years of avoiding it, not because I have anything against the app, just because I stay very busy. At first, I was pleased to see the high number of people young and old involved in what they call #Chrsitiantiktok. Unfortunately, the longer I stayed on the app the more I noticed an alarming trend.

The “Christian influencers” (it’s hard to believe that’s a real thing but it is) are constantly arguing with each other. The bulk of their content is stitching other Christian Influencers to explain why they are wrong. I’m not going to call out any of them by name, but some of them even claim their social media rivals are possessed by the devil. This infighting amongst the Christians on TikTok really disappoints me. It seems to me that most of these influencers run more on ego than the desire to spread God’s word.

I will just come out and say what I’m thinking, many of the Christian influencers on TikTok seem to be more focused on making money and gaining fame than doing the work of God. If you say this to them on TikTok you will be simultaneously attacked by their followers and praised by their enemies. That only adds to the problem, so I just stay out of it.

There are Christians on TikTok who seem to just enjoy spreading their love for Jesus. I want to make sure that I make that clear as well. Not all of the creators on the app seem to be ego-driven.

Why Christians Should Be Careful Arguing on Social Media

As Christians, we’re called to reflect the love and peace of Christ in everything we do whether in person or online. But sometimes, scrolling through TikTok, you might come across videos where believers are caught up in heated arguments over faith, theology, or personal beliefs. It’s easy to get swept up in these discussions, but at what cost? Instead of building each other up, we’re tearing each other down for the world to see.

It’s time we take a step back and rethink how we interact on platforms like TikTok. Here’s why we must stop arguing and set a better example.

Our Words Reflect Our Hearts

The Bible tells us that “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). This applies to our online presence as much as it does in real life. When we argue or criticize harshly, we’re not showing the love and kindness Christ calls us to. It’s easy to hide behind the screen and say things we wouldn’t say face-to-face, but our words still matter. They reflect the condition of our hearts and can either draw people closer to Christ or push them further away.

We’re Meant to Be Peacemakers

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9). As Christians, we’re called to be peacemakers, not instigators of division. Engaging in endless debates on TikTok about who’s right and who’s wrong doesn’t promote peace—it often creates more division. Instead, we should focus on fostering understanding and love, even when we disagree.

Our Witness Matters

The world is watching. Non-Christians are tuning in to see how we behave. If all they see are Christians bickering among themselves, it doesn’t exactly make following Jesus look attractive. In fact, it could do the opposite. We’re called to be a light to the world (Matthew 5:14), but how can we be that light if we’re constantly dimming it with negativity and arguments? Our unity and love for one another should be what stands out.

Disagreements Are Inevitable, But How We Handle Them Matters

It’s natural to have differing opinions, even within the Christian community. However, how we handle those disagreements is what sets us apart. Instead of turning disagreements into public debates or arguments, we can approach them with grace and humility. The apostle Paul reminds us to “be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2). Imagine how different our online interactions would be if we followed this advice!

Focus on Building Each Other Up

The Bible encourages us to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). TikTok has the potential to be a powerful tool for spreading the gospel, encouraging others in their walk with Christ, and sharing testimonies of God’s goodness. But that potential is lost when we allow arguments and negativity to take center stage. Let’s refocus on uplifting one another, offering support, and sharing messages that inspire rather than divide.

Setting a Better Example

So, what can we do differently? Here are a few tips to help us be better examples on TikTok and other social media platforms:

  • Pause before you comment: Before you respond to a video or comment, take a moment to reflect. Is what you’re about to say helpful, loving, or necessary? Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.
  • Choose grace over being right: It’s tempting to want to win an argument, but is it worth it if it damages relationships or our witness? Sometimes, it’s better to show grace and walk away from an argument.
  • Share messages of hope and love: Instead of focusing on debates, use your platform to share positive, uplifting content that points people to Jesus.
  • Remember the bigger picture: Our goal is to share the love of Christ with the world. Let’s keep that at the forefront of everything we post.

TikTok is an incredible platform to reach people for Christ, but only if we use it wisely. Let’s stop the arguing, stop the division, and start setting a better example for the world to see. After all, it’s our love and unity that will show others that we are truly followers of Jesus (John 13:35).

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