Do you feel like God is ignoring you? Persevering Through Seasons of Doubt

Are you there God?

It’s a situation every sincere believer has likely encountered at some point on their spiritual journey, you’ve been fervently praying about something, seeking God’s will and guidance, but heaven seems oppressively silent. No clear answers, no profound reassurances, no warm embrace of peace that everything will be okay. Just…silence.

Silence from God can be one of the most disorientating and faith-shaking experiences for Christians. After all, we’re promised that our Heavenly Father lovingly cares about every detail of our lives (1 Peter 5:7). We believe He desires an intimate relationship with each of His children, where we can “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence” to receive His aid (Hebrews 4:16). So when God seems to turn a deaf ear, it can leave us feeling hurt, confused, and full of nagging doubts.

“Why isn’t He answering me?” “Have I done something to displease Him?” “Does He really care about what I’m going through?” Before long, our unanswered prayers and God’s perceived silence can morph into a spiritual crisis where we begin questioning the very reality of His existence and love for us.

Yet as much as we would prefer to never encounter divine silence, it’s an experience rooted in both Scripture and the lives of God’s people throughout the ages. From Job enduring months of Heaven’s stillness to David’s anguished cries of “How long, O Lord?” (Psalm 13:1), to Jesus Himself being deprived of His Father’s voice and presence on the Cross. God’s silence is a mysterious reality that even the most devout have been called to persevere through.

In these trying times of spiritual dryness and doubt, clinging to key truths about God’s character can be the lifeline that anchors us:

  • God’s love for us is unchanging, no matter how we feel in the moment (Romans 8:38-39)
  • God is always working on our behalf, even when we can’t see it (Romans 8:28)
  • God allows seasons of seeming silence to refine and deepen our faith and dependence on Him (James 1:2-4)

Ultimately, avoiding doubt and disillusionment comes through developing a perspective that doesn’t revolve around our feelings or circumstances. We choose to actively exercise faith in God’s promises and who He has proved Himself to be through Christ, even when our subjective experience fails to confirm it.

So take heart if you’re trudging through one of God’s signature “quiet times” right now. Don’t be afraid to vent your hurt, confusion, and questions to Him honestly. He has shoulders big enough to bear them all. And though the way seems dark, place one foot ahead of the other in humble trust that soon His comforting, familiar voice will be the one leading you out of the stillness and into a sweeter place of renewed intimacy with Him.

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This is a great book to read if you are struggling with God or if you just need religious motivation. Christianity, God Explained plus fun stories. I’ve read it several times, especially The Great Divorce:

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